Scroll down and you’ll find information on FAQs.

For more information contact Sandie:

e: sandie@instructor-academy.com
t: +44 (0) 1743 270000



Every year we receive lots of email asking us questions. This season we will post a selection of these questions on this page with answers.

Hopefully these pages will help you with any problems you encounter. If not please email us!

To quickly find anything specific, use the “Find” option in the browser “Edit” menu.

You may find the following links useful for Q & A’s for the CSIA and CASI

CSIA Site Canada
CASI Site Canada

A while back B.A.S.I. changed the notation of their qualifications, so when viewing FAQ’s from previous years please bear the following info in mind:

 Old B.A.S.I. Name  New B.A.S.I. Name
  BASI Grade 3 Instructor   Alpine Level 1 Instructor
  BASI Grade 2 Instructor   Alpine Level 2 Instructor
  BASI Grade 1 Ski Teacher   Alpine Ski Teacher ISIA


Category:   Gap & Time Out

Q>  Do You still run Gap and Time Out Courses

A>  Please take a look at our FASTRACK pages, these new multi week courses should suit anyone looking to achieve working instructor status. It’s much more than a ‘Gap’ course.

Category:   CSIA Level I

Q>  I’m interested in carrying out level 1 CSIA in April of this year. Firstly I would like to know how much avaliability there is on the course. Secondly I was hoping to complete my Level II in succession to Level I, basically stay in Andorra and complete both courses. I was hoping this would be possible.

A>  Thanks for your email. Availability on the Spring Courses is fine because we decide on how many Canadian Course Conductors we have to fly in, about a month before the start dates, so no problem there.

The way we structure the courses does allow you to move straight through from Level I to Level II. However, as always, it’s really up to you, your experience and skill levels as to how much progress you can make across a single 10 day stint.


Category:   CSIA Level I , Level II

Q>  I am currently a qualified Alpine Ski Leader (ASL) with the Scottish Ski Council. I took the course because I work as a ski host for school ski groups a couple of weeks a year with a specialist tour company. I am interested in getting further qualifications.

I am considering taking the CSIA level II in Andora this coming season (maybe with the Level II pre-course too) but I would like some advice on the skiing level and experience required to go straight into Level II.

The ASL is a basic Instructor qualification but is not recognised as such outside of Scotland. It does give me public liability insurance for guiding groups of school children in-bounds on the marked runs in a resort anywhere in the world. Do you have any suggestions about which courses I should do and what the minimum experience and ability levels are for CSIA II? The issue with starting left back at Level I is that I can only take courses during my vacation time and I have already given up a lot of that over the last couple of years to get the ASL. Any advice is much appreciated.

A> Now then, about your requirements. I imagine you want to further your qualifications so that you can take part time work or similar?

To get to a CSIA Level II you have to go through the Level I. There is no way round it and frankly the first course is crucial stuff if you are to progress.

The Level I is a 4 day course and the Level II is 6 days. We have arranged Level I & II back-to-back, so that if your skiing and demos are up to scratch you can complete them both inside 2 weeks.

If you are not confident in your skiing and demos you could take a Level I in December or January maybe followed by a Level II Pre-Course which then gives you an idea of what is required for the Level II. You can work on it for the season and come back later in the season for the Level II.

Q> Do I need to become a CSIA/CASI  Member before I can do an entry  Level I Course

A>  No.   If you pass your Level I (CSIA or CASI), your Membership is automatically included in your Level I Course fee up to and including the following September.  So, for example if you pass a Level I this coming Winter Season, you will automatically be allocated Membership and a Membership Number (which is yours for life).  You then start to pay your annual Membership dues direct to the CSIA/CASI next September.

Q> What is the minimum age to do a Course.

A> 15 is the minimum age for all Courses.   To take part in a Fastrack Course (4 or 10 week) the minimum age is 17.

Q> Appropriate skis

A> Most people do their Course (Level I) on a slalom or giant slalom ski (or something similar that is detuned for all mountain use).  Some do the course on twin tips, but they are not ideal.  Not too much problem either way – you are best skiing on what you are comfortable with – so if in doubt, don’t buy new,  use the skis you know and love!

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+44 (0)1743 270000


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Suite 6,
Sabrina House,
Sabrina Court,
Longden Coleham,
Shrewsbury, SY3 7BF



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