
Scroll down and you’ll find testimonials.

For more information contact Sandie:

e: sandie@instructor-academy.com
t: +44 (0) 1743 270000





Here some of the many good reactions we have received from our Course & Fastrack clients…



“It’s great to know that all you have to do is  book the flights and Academy does the rest!   Have a great Summer and no doubt be in touch again next Season.”


“Thanks for getting Ani on the recent Level 1 and 2 Courses in Andorra.  She had a brilliant and successful trip.  Everyone she met was helpful, professional and the whole experience turn out to be everything she hoped.”


“I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone at Instructor Academy. The CSIA Level 2 Extended Course was excellent. All of the instructors on the Course (Heather, Sandy and Nick) really helped to develop and improve my skiing. The Course was well structured, well paced and ran smoothly. It was enjoyable 2 weeks. Also thank you for all of your help and advice with the travel and accommodation arrangements that needed to be made prior to the Course. I didn’t know the resort or Andorra and your help was welcome. “


“Thanks and an even bigger thank you.

The course, administration and the staff have been absolutely brilliant. I found every aspect of the course superbly delivered.

I would be very happy to recommend your courses to my students and staff.

Again thanks. “

Fred Simkins –
Director of Outdoor Education, Hurstpierpoint College
April 2017

“A huge thank you to the Instructor Academy for all your help before, during and after I achieved my CSIA Level 1 and Level 2 Skiing Qualification. Not only were the courses thorough and effective, they were enjoyable. Whether it was learning more about the technical side of skiing or picking some sweet lines down the mountain, the courses were some of the best weeks of my life and I would do them again in a flash. I’m currently working as a Ski Instructor within New Zealand, which is a large leap across many ponds considering I’m originally from the UK. It’s excellent fun and very satisfying work.

Thanks once again to all of those involved, and especially to everyone who took part in the courses with me. Excellent memories and some great friends as a result. All the best, Ryan. “

Ryan M – Fastrack Student

“Had a fantastic Season and thoroughly enjoyed the Fastrack Course. Improved enormously so please pass on our thanks and appreciation to everyone. We will be in touch again soon for Level 3.”

Sophie. Fastrack Student

“A few months in Soldeu was a real pleasure. The Course for me was challenging at times but lots of fun. I learnt so much with the expert instruction and everyone was really friendly and helpful (on and off piste).”

Lisa McKenna. (6 Week) Fastrack Student

“Just a quick note. I collected Josh from Luton Airport last night a very tired but extremely happy young man. He thoroughly enjoyed the experience and was very pleased to pass Level 2. The whole experience from start to finish was extremely positive and we will be verbally passing on his experiences to others that we speak to at our local Ski Clubs (Milton Keynes and Hemel). Pete and Duncan were very professional Conductors and were really good to work with.”

Peter K (for Josh Level 2) Spring

“Just wanted to say thank you once again for all your help. It is appreciated. Kai had a terrific week and passed his Level 2. Please pass on our thanks to the Instructors.”

Keith (for Kai Level 2) Spring

“For me the experience with the Instructor academy was one of the most exciting and rewarding of my life.

Loads of fun on the slopes, great training and an incredible sense of achievement on passing level 2 in the final week of my time in Soldeu.

Couldn’t ask for anything more and it has opened a whole new world of work for me! No regrets and have fantastic memories of all the people I met and the help I received from other Instructors.”

Peter H. – Fastrack Student January

My Story …..   In January 2010, I made the best decision of my life, which was to start training to become a Ski Instructor.  It was a career I had always dreamt about, yet never thought I could ever do it – until I came across the Fastrack Course run by Instructor Academy.
 On my first day of training, it became very clear that I was by far the weakest skier out of the group and I suddenly realised I was going to have to work extremely hard to get to the standard I wanted to be by the end of the season (CSIA Level 2).   However, with the support and guidance of all the dedicated staff, I managed to progress from one of the weakest skiers in the group, to one of the strongest within 10 weeks, and had the honour of receiving my CSIA level 2 qualification.
The course was an incredible experience which I would recommend to any aspiring Ski Instructor as it teaches every aspect of becoming a successful instructor within those 10 weeks. During my season, I accumulated over 100 hours of shadowing other instructors which was hugely beneficial when it came to taking my own classes, and I believe the reason I feel so comfortable teaching a class is because I was given so many opportunities to learn from experience and accomplished instructors through the program.

I then went to Canada and was very fortunate to find work.  For most instructors, the first season of actually teaching full time can often be daunting and can feel like they are out of their depth, but because of all the training I received from the Instructor Academy, I was 100% ready to start teaching. My first student of the season as a private lesson was with a 4 year old girl, and the parents were so impressed with my lesson, they booked me every single week for the rest of the season. I think this is a great testament to the high level of training I received, as my first ever lesson was such a huge success.

During my season in Canada, I became one of the most requested Instructors out of all the staff, something very unusual for a first time instructor, and at the end of the season, I received the award for “Rookie Ski Instructor Of The Year 2012”.

I would just like to thank everyone from Instructor Academy who helped me get to where I am today. I have found a job that I love, and a career that I can excel in. A special thank you to Gordon and Bethol Standeven for their constant support and encouragement, Nick Reader for making me as passionate about skiing as he is, because without these guys, I wouldn’t have passed the exams and wouldn’t have the incredible lifestyle I have now. I would also like to thank the Instructors in Canada for putting faith in an unknown rookie instructor, and giving me the opportunity to start my career.
To anyone who is thinking of doing this course, I cannot recommend it highly enough! The staff are great, it is extremely good value for money, and the training is excellent. Good luck!

Niall – Instructor Academy Student – Fastrack Course January

A “Life Changing  Experience” – This is how the Instructor Academy Fast Track (Gap) Course was billed and it looked to be a very exciting opportunity. It was in Andorra, not so very far from home, and promised an intense period of Instruction with a CSIA Level II qualification as the outcome.   I could not have imagined how much it would change my life – but now a couple of years on I can fully appreciate the personal development the Instructor Academy helped me to achieve.

I had been skiing for ten years (a week at a time) with my family but the ten weeks of this course were worth much more than twice that through the concentrated practical and theoretical lessons with the instructors.

The breadth and depth of knowledge of the instructors became evident and impressive  and the standard of professionalism demanded provided confirmation that these CSIA qualifications are not awarded lightly.

No doubt the achievement of technical skills is to be expected but one acquires so much more than that – self-confidence, initiative, problem solving, team working, and discipline – skills which are, of course transferable but more importantly vital to one’s development as a rounded individual.

An important part of that learning environment flowed from the friendliness and inclusive attitude of all those from whom and with whom I learnt. This was the first time I had spent any substantial length of time away from home and my natural worries were very quickly reassured through the lively camaraderie that characterizes the Instructor Academy. They have become a second family to me.

I suppose the jargon is, “work hard, play hard” and there is no doubt that the Soldeu Instructor Academy Cadre strive as much for perfection on blues guitar and microphone after sundown as they do for skis and boards on the daytime slopes.

So, yes, my life has been changed and I feel privileged to be working with such a proficient and likeable group of people in a vibrant resort and especially to be able to pass on the skills and enthusiasm to others that was afforded me.

Sign up – you’ll never regret it!

Peter Howe – Level III Instructor, Ski School Soldeu

The Fastrack Course improved my skiing no end both in the different conditions I encountered as well as all the improvement sessions.  I made so many friends at the Ski School and gained so much experience from the Instructors, especially when shadowing.  I would recommend this to any body.  I had a fantastic time

Neill Smith – 12 Week Ski Fastrack

Thank you for a well organised training course.  People who take the Level I course would benefit from the Pre Course. Those of us that did really gained a big advantage.  Could you please pass on my thanks to Nick who took the Course

Steve R. (Birmingham) – Level I Ski Candidate

Just a quick note to thank you for all your help in organising our Course and Hotel Package.  It was all first class and faultless from everyone and I just wanted to say thank you from myself, Mick and Ian.   Oh .. and we all passed our Level 2.  Wooooo Hooooo!!!!!

Allan (Doncaster).  – Ski Level 2

Thank you for an extremely enjoyable (and ultimately successful) course.  Both Will and JP were, as you would expect, excellent Trainers and the whole thing was great fun!

John (Derby)

I would like to say how great JP and Will were.  I knew JP from my Level 2, but once again, he was a great trainer and everyone in the group thought he did a brilliant job. And also the same for Will – he was also great, made everyone feel relaxed during the Course

Helen (Level 3)


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+44 (0)1743 270000


The Instructor Academy,
Suite 6,
Sabrina House,
Sabrina Court,
Longden Coleham,
Shrewsbury, SY3 7BF



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